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‘Cold-hearted’ nurse accused of killing neighbor’s cats, pregnant dog with pesticideĪ Mississippi woman who was arrested after allegedly having sex with a dog and posting videos of the act on social media was seen for the first time with the pup in photos snapped before the heinous abuse.ĭenise Frazier, 19, crashed her car in Myrick, Mississippi last week and was photographed on the side of the road holding a German shepherd on a leash, according to the Daily Mail.įrazier, was charged April 5 with unnatural intercourse and aggravated cruelty to an animal, WDAM 7 reported. NY troopers hunt for brute who shot animal sanctuary owner’s pet German Shepherd LI man shot 2 dogs in the head with a rifle, horrific animal cruelty found on property Annoyed upstate NY man busted for allegedly spray-painting squirrels for getting into his yard

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